The plot of the film is loosely based on Francesco D’Adamo's bestseller “Iqbal” about the life of Iqbal Masih, a Pakistani boy who has become a symbol of the fight against slavery and child labour.

Iqbal, a sharp and lively ten-year-old, lives with his brother Aziz and mother Ashanta in Kardù, a small village in one of the poorer parts of the world. Iqbal's adventure begins when he decides to go to the market in Mapur to sell some toys and coloured stones to make the money needed to pay for the medicine his sick brother needs. In Mapur, Iqbal meets Hakeem, who offers to pay for Aziz's medicine; in exchange, however, he will have to work in his friend Guzman's carpet factory. How long will he have to stay there? The question remains unanswered. Guzman soon notices Iqbal's talents for drawing and embroidery, and locks him in a cold, dirty shack to work on the loom making a precious rug, a blue Bangapur. Here Iqbal meets his companions in the adventure: Fatima, Emerson, Maria, Ben, Salman and Karim, children of different ages but all with similar stories, linked to poverty. Iqbal can do nothing but start weaving his rug and think about how to get out of the situation.

After overcoming some initial difficulties, the small group of workers gradually come to the awareness of their condition as small slaves 'forever'. Iqbal, however, does not give up: once he realises that his debt will never be paid off despite Guzman's promises, he starts to formulate a plan to free his young friends and allow everyone to return home.


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