The Piccola Rassegna, dedicated to the Festival's youngest audiences, presents two animated films in costume, and the ateliers linked to this section of the Festival will allow people to create an animated film 'in costume' using the Stop Motion technique.
La Rosa di Bagdad by Anton Gino Domeneghini (Italy 1949)
Considered the first Italian film in colour and the first full-length animation film, the film tells the story of Princess Zeila, daughter of the Caliph of Baghdad, who, having turned eighteen, must choose a groom from among the princes of neighbouring countries. To introduce her to the suitors and give her a chance to make her choice, the Caliph, assisted by his ministers, prepares great feasts, to which all the princes are invited. But the wicked Prince Jafar hatches a plot, with the help of his minister, to influence the princess's choice. At the right moment he will put an enchanted ring on her finger, which will have the power to make her fall in love with him.
Director Domeneghini decided to make an animated film after seeing Walt Disney's Snow White (1938). No one until then had made a feature-length animation film in Italy.
The Snow Queen by Lev Atamanov (USSR 1957) from the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
Gerda and Kai are two children, friends for life. During a snowstorm, little Kai is hit by a splinter of ice. It is a spell cast by the wicked Snow Queen and Gerda sets out to find the Queen's palace and break the spell.
Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki (Ponyo on the Cliff, Kiki Home Deliveries, My Neighbour Totoro...) said that he started working in animation after seeing this film.